Welcome to Asheville Aikikai

What is Aikido?

Aikido is a non-violent martial art that enables a practitioner to harmonize and re-direct an attacker’s force. The aikido practitioner aims to ultimately throw an attacker or pin them to the ground. While Aikido is a physical practice, it extends into our daily lives. The practitioner attempts to cultivate an inner calm that provides the ability to see through difficult situations of all kinds. Aikido is a lifelong journey towards harmony with all people.

martial arts practice

What is our Mission?

We are dedicated to the development of Aikido Spirit. Aikido Spirit fosters the highest ethical standards. Aikido is entirely defensive and is to be utilized only with an unprovoked attack. It utilizes methods of redirecting an attacker’s energy, ultimately projecting or grounding it. When techniques are applied correctly no serious injury occurs.

Aikido Spirit relies on finding and maintaining one’s center, both on the physical and mental plane. Aikido utilizes ki, or inner energy, to focus and cultivate a sense of centeredness, and to energize techniques. Aikido practice strengthens balance, encourages cooperation, and promotes quiet in the mind.

Aikido Spirit fosters respect for self and others, facilitates non-violent behavior, promotes peaceful solutions to confrontations, nurtures self-confidence, and aids in positive development.

martial arts practice

What are the Benefits of Practice?

The physical benefits of regular training are many. As in many budo (martial arts), Aikidoists learn good self-defense techniques and strategies, but with Aikido you will notice that even the simplest tasks, like walking, become more graceful. With regular Aikido training your power, agility, speed, coordination and flexibility will increase. Other benefits of regular aikido training include greater self-confidence, increased awareness of surroundings, greater tolerance for acceptance of others’ opinions, and a greater sense of self-worth as you see yourself progress. There are many reasons we practice. Some seek for self-defense, others come for self-development, some want to “round-out” previous martial art experiences, and still others may just want to “get in shape”.

martial arts practice

How do I get Started?

We invite men and women (ages 14 and up) for advanced and beginning practice. Beginners are welcome anytime. If you are interested in observing or joining a class, please feel free to drop in 10 minutes prior to any class. Monthly dues are $60, with discounts for families and students. Please refer to the Hombu Dojo website for more information regarding Aikido.

martial arts practice